Quake Champions: The Burial Chamber Arena First Look
We’re back with another sneak peek at one of the incredible Arenas coming to Quake Champions. This week, we’re taking a look at Burial Chamber.
The bones of a massive beast decorate the entry to this massive tomb. Hazardous platforms at the Perilous Outcropping dot the sea of lava, providing an ideal sniping spot for those skilled enough and brave enough to make the leap. With its winding tunnels and low ceilings, the claustrophobic grave sites of the Molten Underground offer up the opportunity for heavier Champions to do some serious splash damage, while the Lava Falls could provide an excellent chokepoint for skilled tacticians. Just be careful to avoid being pushed into the lava, which is a prevalent threat throughout the map.
Below is a trailer showcasing the Burial Chamber in action! For more information on the Burial Chamber, including breakdowns on key areas of the Arena, you will find the Arena page updated at www.Quake.com. Sign-ups for the Closed Beta are now open at www.Quake.com.
Burial Chamber Arena Trailer
About Quake Champions
Developed by id Software, in conjunction with Saber Interactive, Quake Champions is a return to the frenetic, fast-paced first-person shooter competition that established Quake as the granddaddy of all eSports games more than 20 years ago. Quake Champions delivers the dark mythos of the first Quake combined with the groundbreaking multiplayer mayhem of Quake III Arena with a major modern twist – Champions. These fierce warriors each wield unique attributes and abilities, enabling players to compete in their own distinctive style.