Destiny 2 Invades E3
A proper sequel demands a proper villain. In Destiny 2, the Guardians will face a new enemy with terrible motives.
It takes a mighty foe to hijack our power and evict us from our home. Meet Dominus Ghaul.
Destiny 2: Official E3 Trailer “Our Darkest Hour”
Now that you know your enemy, it’s time to mark your calendars with information on when you can play. For the rest of the summer, we’re looking forward to a BETA and the eventual Launch.
Destiny 2 BETA
- 18 July 2017: PlayStation 4 Pre-Order BETA
- 19 July 2017: Xbox One Pre-Order BETA
- 21 July 2017: Open BETA for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
- 23 July 2017: Console BETA End-date
- Late August: PC BETA
Destiny 2 Launch
- PlayStation 4: 6 September 2017
- Xbox One: 6 September 2017
- PC: September 6: 24 October 2017